Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

Hello everyone!

If you're reading this blog it is either because you are curious, you don't know what a bibliomaniac is or you are a lover of books just like me. My name is Sarah and I am a college student with an unnatural obsession with books. I read as many as I can whenever I can and I thought why not share my experiences with others who love books? Maybe a book I find amazing can touch someone else.

So that's what led me here, to this particular place in the inter-web. I want to share my books with you and hopefully you'll enjoy my experience so much that you'll want to pick up the book as well. From now on, any book I read I am going to write a review for. A summary of the book will be included as well as my personal thoughts on the book. I will probably add a rating system.

I would also love to hear from you: what did you think of a particular book I wrote about? What do you think I could do differently to improve my blog and my reviews? Did you agree with me or not? Or if you just want to talk to someone with the same passion as you, I am more than open to making connections.

Also, check out where I write reviews, some of the books I write a review for will be linked to there.


